Tuesday, January 10, 2006


A numbing cold, sank its talons deep in my nose. Tried to shake it loose. Nothing seems to work.
Still can’t breathe.
Insanity on the roads. Wasted three bloody hours in different traffic jams throughout the main city.

Get an early Eid gift. Unexpected. Sweet.

Cows and bulls, jammed three deep in small Suzuki Vans seen whizzing all over the city. Truckloads of little goats squeezed cheek to jowl, being herded from one drop point to another. Their bleating is ignored, or is drowned by the deafening sounds of horns blaring. Traffic jams.

Juggling work.

A fight between two drivers at Karsaz. Traffic jam
A road dug up and no traffic police to control the outpouring of vehicles at happy hour. Traffic jam
Car catches fire on Saddar’s main thoroughfare. Road nearly cordoned off by the inefficient so-called Karachi Police. Smoke. Can’t breathe

Chest hurts. Not enough oxygen.
Rummage through and find the Nasal spray. SIGH

Have a really good talk with a dermatologist.

Saw our goats – they are BRATS!
Miss Maghrib prayers. Really getting mad.
Madness strikes. Organize a transfer of goats from Defence.
Get home. Headache coming on
Freeze at the door of my room. Its HIT by a tornado!
Hate untidiness

Blame it on the mysterious elves

Irritated beyond reason. Set a bowl of steaming pasta on my study table. SCREWED the polish. Damn there is a slight off color ring. Try to cover it with a POST IT. Then decide to pull my hair out for being so bloody preoccupied by irritation.

Reprimanded by my grandfather for not eating dinner with the family. DAMMIT!

Close to wandering into the anger zone.
Breathe through my mouth
Heat another bowl of pasta

Mix orange and apple juice. Nuke it! Tastes like cardboard – Sweet, warm, cardboard maybe with a bit of a bite. An acquired taste. HOT JUICE

Watch sister devouring BOUNTY with a glass of milk.
Insanity runs in the family
Cousins announce a COW/BULL tour of the city. Never done it before. Jot it down as experience.

Am laughed at for posing a stupid question about cows and bulls!

Some hotshot decides to put on an exhibition each year with a minimum of 15 different specimens of cattle. This year there are 17 huge, beautiful numbers. A continuous flow of the curious wander into the tent. Dust in the air and am close to the asthma attack that has been trying to creep on me throughout the day. Lots of jostling by idiotic men. Temper that’s been on slow burn all day nearly leaps out of control when a jackass deliberately butts into my sister. Wanted to throttle him. Some men just have to be touchy feel when women are around!!! Perverts

Have to get out of the stifling tent, get the girls and younger cousins out. Another pea-brained male makes a derogatory remark. Am holding on by a thread. A very thin thread.

Do these jerks forget that they come from women?

Slippered feet are dirtied by grime and a little kid throwing sand. Parents look on indulgently. MANNERS!!! Want to grab him by the collar and shake some sense into the lil brat. Should have worn my Doc Martens.

Feel like cussing like a seasoned sailor. Roll my tongue for control.
Clutch the nasal spray as a lifeline, hop in the car and try to breathe again.
Cruise through Zamzama. Take the back roads to Boat Basin. Stop for hot beverages.

Hardly anyone caters GREEN TEA. Have to do the honors of “sampling” the one that does arrive so everyone else can order. BLISTER MY TONGUE!!! Its blazing hot.

On the ride back, wind sneaks through the car windows and plays “hit the ear drum”. SCORES too!
Ghosts from the past flash in front of tired eyes. Can’t shut down my mind.
Have a raging headache.
Bow out of a past midnight basketball game
Wash feet
Havent prayed Isha or Maghrib. Feel miserable

It’s been absolute INSANITY

Tomorrow will be worse. Plumber arrives!
Want to walk with bare feet into the winter sea. Hear the waves skip gently to the shore. Feel the surf caress my ankles. Smell the ozone. Wander a little deeper. Raise my arms to the rising moon and feel peace settle in every corner of my being.

Am waiting for the witching hour when the water - sprites, elves and mermaids come out to play.


Blogger psyched said...

et tu brutus??? :P

btw....what was the cows and bulls thingi? ;)

10/1/06 01:58  
Blogger watersprite said...

psyched: BRUTUS? You mean that huge bull?? lol - just kidding. Am sure there must have been a bull named brutus yesterday. Not an experience I want to repeat. And I will tell u when I meet you what the cows/bulls "thingi" was. While I answer that, die of mortification - you will be rolling on the floor holding your tummy! And if u ever repeat it to someone else, you will be soooo dead.

Now u have something to look forward to.

VOX: I like dwarves and gremlins, sure they tend to do nasty things but the elves are the naughtiest. And I just love their antics. So, they get to be blamed for the state my room was in. :D

I like your aunt. You know what, I come from a quiet neighboourhood myself - definitely suburbia. And even in khi, our street is pretty quiet. But the city seems to be teeming with just too much of everything. And I wish things would be a little more slower. Its just too fast paced. Too cutthroat.

Samay: Intensely dislike milk in khi. Nestle is still bearable. I dont think I will ever try bounty with milk. My tastebuds will pop right outta my mouth for that insult! Give me some credit!! LOL

10/1/06 16:21  
Blogger Ent said...

Oh really? We are the naughtiest are we?

Eid Mubarik sprite!

11/1/06 16:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey eid mubarak to you, Sprite :D

11/1/06 17:24  
Blogger watersprite said...

Tree Elf: Definitely the naughtiest. They are usually upto no good, even when they are trying to be on their best behaviour.. :D

PS - I think they are the wisest too. Khair Mubarak Elf.

Brotherhood: JazakAllah for the wishes. And Eid Mubarak to you too.

12/1/06 02:23  
Blogger Veiled Muslimah said...

Belated eid mubarak sol. Missed you guys. Must rush for Isha prayers.. cya later.

Assalam Alaykum
love ya

12/1/06 19:18  
Blogger psyched said...

forget the brutus - but am really interested in the cows and bulls thingi :P
ok..wait here....so we have expectant cows...hanging balls...and what bulls again??? i dint actually hit the floor rolling (wud have woken the whole house with the thud!:P lol! but i did have an ear to ear grin - and it seems to have gotten stuck :D

and am with u on the bounty with milk - ewww! brownies with milk anytime! and about nestle...dont say anything about it ok! i got no other choice here! at least far better than those haleeb-shaleebs and pakcola milk! gawwwd! pakCOLA and its a milk????? what were they thinking?? only in pakistan!

16/1/06 03:34  

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