Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Where I have been

For the past fifteen days I have been trying NOT to travel. My bags are packed, clothes ironed, ticket in my hand-bag. I have driven the Emirates Airlines ticketing agents up and down the walls with:

Bookings – Cancellations
Booked again – am really going this time
Ummm best to cancel due to an emergency.

Am NOT booking till I am sure I will travel.

Its always hard leaving home, but work awaits.

I am one of those jinxed travelers, who inspite of the abundant positive energy seems to bring planes to a stand-still, (or so I like to believe). I am excellent with delayed flights and free tickets… no wonder I love to fly! The only downers are the creeps I usually get seats next to.

A friend of mine complained saying: “I will never travel with you, things happen!”

Ya, ya – like the time I was proposed to - God knows how many hundred feet - in the air. I didn’t decline till we landed, its best to have an escape route. Strapping on a parachute and jumping after saying a dramatic NO is a little too extreme even for me.

Yes, so for the past three weeks things have been topsy turvey in this Sprite’s life. Since, blogging isn’t an addiction – a not so heartfelt apology to blogging addicts – I get engrossed in other things. I love living.

Bubloo – our resident MALE cat is not a happy camper. There is an absolutely gorgeous Persian MALE cat that is wrapping us around its very furry tail. How do you deal with two territorial male cats. And Bubloo is jealous. Besides being jealous, he hates baths. And its a nightmare to get him into the tub after which he looks like a drowned rat. Mom thought it would be best to blow-dry his wet fur. He hated that! The next morning, am woken by "Bubloo is throwing up on the hall carpet!" - Its not nice to be woken up at 6 in the morning, when you went to bed at 4.00 just to clean up after your cat. But i have to say, he is a darling.

The Bryan Adams concert needs a mention. Moments find me humming a certain melody, a twirl, a sway and I’m back on Cloud No.9. All Im going to say is Bryan Adams Rocked and we rocked with him! The crowd was awesome. A thankyou to Hani for his very detailed post on the concert, knew what to expect

Met a friend for a drink – had a MOCHA for the first time. For a non-coffee drinker it was an experience! I loved the cream that wanted to be my mustache. On leaving, the friend said: “you look disturbed, give me a call if you wanna talk” – I think my aura must have been a different color – close to black. I love such friends! They know when to say the right thing.

These days its eating on the Wild Side! I’m going all out with pickles, spices, ice-cream shakes, lots of juices, and mom’s cooking. Am thumbing my nose at the asthma attack that seems to be just around the corner. Four meals a day and I ill resemble a female version of Humpty Dumpty. I cant wait to fall, so that some macho king's man would catch me. **shudders** so not happening!

For the past three days and nights I have been breathing in and exhaling out business and cultural books in an attempt to help my brother with his assignment. Its only 2500 words for crying out loud!!! but at a Masters level you sure has hell need to put in something that makes sense. So, here we are reading, surfing the net, making notes. Referencing, cross – referencing. I think I now, know all the main theories about cultural conflicts and negotiation techniques. I wanna go back to school. The dead-line is tomorrow. Was thinking that, for a procrastinator I sure have a knack for meeting dead-lines. Hmmmmm.

That’s its from me. Am going to crash for the next two days (Wishing is Believing)

A another apology for not visiting my favo bloggers. Will catch up soon.

Do Not Disturb :)



Blogger Mike said...

"I loved the cream that wanted to be my mustache."

Great line! Sounds like you've had a busy couple weeks.

22/3/06 01:58  
Blogger Read before use said...

ABout the BAD concert, yeh to mera farz tha.Atif Aslam is going to Dubai so are strings.. waah waah!
ANd Iam so addicted to blogging though.Top priority now a days.

Speaking of "sweet things" Does baskin robbins have the bavarian mint chocolate ice-cream in Dubai?
Not that good,but worth a try.

22/3/06 22:02  
Blogger watersprite said...

Viking: Busy is an understatement :)

Voxy: Thankyou honey. I know I am.

Hani: Havent checked out the bavarian ice-cream, will look out for it on my next trip. Not going to the Strings and Atif Aslam concert. I think I might fly! LOL If blogging is making you happy, good - but try giving your studies a workout too.

22/3/06 23:57  
Blogger psyched said...

ya the mustache was sweet...any other moonch is ok with me - except the real kind! :P

*sniff-sniff* u got the huggies :(

hani...u and sprite just luv to torture me with ur baskin waskins! ok sprite...pls get me a gallon each of jamoca almond fudge, pralines and cream, mint choco-chips - that shud do for now.
and hani - its not BAD ! its B.A!! :P
thank God! sprite dint go into the details - im still not over the prv missing bouts.

and oh hani! she;s not going to the atif and strings 'do' coz i she will be attending to my presence in khi at that time:)

23/3/06 01:07  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I love your life, it sounds happy and full.

Ahhh, except for Bubloo throwing up at dawn.

Do you know, only today I was saying to my mother that I'd love to go to a Bryan Adams concert...I would RUN to it. His voice, his voice *sigh*

You turned down the proposal? Suppose he was a lovely sweet adorable wonderful darling man? :-D

Your brother's paper makes me think of the nightmares I have...being back to uni. and doing exams. Waaahhh.

23/3/06 02:42  
Blogger Read before use said...

psyched:here there is Dairy Queen as well, their blizzards are amazing, it's a chcolate yoghurt mixed with m&ms or oreos or other stuff as per availability.

But the problem is I wanna attend concerts by Pakistani Artists.

23/3/06 10:48  
Blogger watersprite said...

Psyched: Yeah I prefer the milk mustache to the real one - atleast on myself. :P And I'll tell Voxy about sending some Hugs your way too. Sorry cant get u the ice-cream, am still devising ways to get to karachi without it melting.

The reason for no details on Bryan Adam is my being selfish. Cant share more then I already did. LOL

Guyana- He is still stalking me! So he is definitely not"a lovely sweet adorable wonderful darling man?" Far from it. **Shudders**

And you are oh so right about Bryan Adams voice - live its AMAZING. Double that Sigh.

And Alhumdulilah I love my life too. It is happy, even with Bubloo throwing up, it was the highlight of that day. :D

Hani: Stop torturing Psyched with all the goodies we can get. Psssst - will try the Dairy Queen Blizzzard. Is it yummier then Baskins? ;)

Samay: Blood-drying caffeine! Mocha experience NOT to be repeated. Bring on the whip-cream anytime. :)

23/3/06 20:14  
Blogger watersprite said...

PS - Thats "whipped cream" LOL

23/3/06 20:16  
Blogger psyched said...

i knew i missed out on somethng!! oyee!! u never gave me the details on the creep who proposed high up there !!

hani..all we get here is hotspot's stuff...atrociously expensive for substandard sundae/shake....i had this mint something...and what did i get?? some polo mints tossed in something! eeewwwwww!!!

ya sprite...creams are supposed to be whipped! thats the whole point! ;)
and enough with BA pls :(

24/3/06 00:25  
Blogger Read before use said...

minty polos,oh that's bad, and I thought hotspot was a good place to go to for tasty stuff, I had already put it in the list of places I will be going to on my next visit to Lahore.

About the DQ being better than Baskin,it is not comparable ,because baskin dosen't have anything like that.

before having the thick shakes at baskin, Dq's choclate shakes were my favoutite.

24/3/06 10:42  

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