Chronicles of Narnia
Yipppeeedeeedooodaaaa Yipppeeedeeedaaaa
Finally watched it!!! Ofcourse, the late show. The magic is unbelievable. I did think Id be watching something along the lines of the LOTRs triliogy but this was totally different. Sure, LOTR gives me goosebumps but Narnia was so completely close to my fantasies of another world that I smiled through the movie.
Fauns, Centaurians, oh man! Lots and lots of snow.
Still grinning
Its a must watch!
Finally watched it!!! Ofcourse, the late show. The magic is unbelievable. I did think Id be watching something along the lines of the LOTRs triliogy but this was totally different. Sure, LOTR gives me goosebumps but Narnia was so completely close to my fantasies of another world that I smiled through the movie.
Fauns, Centaurians, oh man! Lots and lots of snow.
Still grinning
Its a must watch!
i must watch it!
waiting for a good print!
seen it long b4 u - fell asleep in between - dunno y but i wasnt impressed. the lion was wayyy too big :P
btw...who's voice was it? sis n i are still debating over it...sounded to me like sean connery's. i cud be wrong
Psyched the kid in you is probably an adult! LOL Maybe your expectations let you down. ;D - hence the snoozing.
I enjoyed it. Its different. More magical and there is that trace of innocence that you dont find in Harry Potter.
Dont knw abt the voice.
And its fantasy - obviously the lion can be big or small. Its a magical lion. :D
Still have to watch it.
And I think I'm dropping in late, but T H A N K S for dropping by!
Sorry for being dropping late. Due to exams, mind had been a bit off the hook!
chick flicks anytime ! :P
where are u btw????? long time no update - long time no full tosses:P
I have the reason for her absence,after watching the movie when she reached home, she was looking for something to wear and her eye caught the back of the closet where she found a knob,she twisted the knob to find a door opening to a winterland.
She stepped into it and will be back soon.
Hani knows me well. :D
Voxy and Psyched: Shall be back soon. Am in a different world these days. Just dropped in to let u guys know am still alive. :)
Viks: Hope your exams went well.
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